There were still plenty of points left on our to-do list, so I stayed another week with my parents.
Home Improvements
We finished the dressing room and were all very satisfied with the result. I also spent a surprisingly long time sawing and attaching baseboards in the hallway to cover up some of the unsightly gaps between wooden walls and tiled floor. Quite the challenge due to my lack of experience. And my father doesn’t really have a woodworking shop, so the available tools added a bit to the difficulty. But the result looks surprisingly clean and my parents were happy to see it done.

Another construction site my brother and I had been discussing for quite a while was the garden tool storage behind the house. Everything that needs to be readily available is just lined up behind the house. To clean this up, we decided to build some simple barn doors there to hide them without making them less available.
It’s definitely a lot of fun to go from a rough idea and all the various random additions that immediately spring to mind to a more concrete plan and then to see the final result being quite close to that original through.

And then there is also the shed. It’s a catch-all for everything that doesn’t fit into or should not be in the house. At the same time it’s also the only “room” that even remotely acts as a workshop. There is always something to repair when you own a wooden house, so lots of things need to always be on hand. But we thought that there should definitely be a better way to use the available space.
So, one day we removed everything from the shed to start over. It looked like we were on a flea market, because we moved everything into the carport, stacked it on tables etc. After reviewing the space we recognized that the old wardrobe that used to be in the dressing room would fit right in there. So, we modified it a bit and then assembled it in there to create a lot more space to organize and store all the various bits and bobs.
Even though I had come North to get things done, we of course also squeezed in some vacation activities to make use of the awesome weather. We took several walks around the lakes in the area, visited some of the small cities (e.g. Mölln and Ahrensburg) and one day we headed over to the wildlife park in Eekholt, which I can highly recommend!